Pyrsogianni is one of the most important villages of the Municipality of Konitsa and in the past (before the application of an administrative division program of Greece in 2011) it was the capital of Mastorochoria Municipality.
It is 30 km away from Konitsa and it is built at the foot of Grammos at an altitude of 840 m., with a population of about 100 residents.

About Pyrsogianni
The first image a visitor sees is the dominance of the stone. It is the homeland of folk craftsmen who originally worked in Greece and later around the world by building houses, bridges, churches, lighthouses, mosques, monasteries and cobbled streets.

They were organized in crowds and in order to consult one another they used a sign language called “koudaritika” or “mastorika”.

Today the “brotherhood of Pyrsogiannites”, an active club, demonstrates important work, such as the building of Hotel of Pyrsogianni at the expense of the inhabitants themselves and the stone church of St. George with its impressive bell tower.

Another one is also the Museum of Stone Craftsmen hosted on the ground floor of the School of Pyrsogianni which features important exhibits and archives from the lives of craftsmen.

What to see in Pyrsogianni
There is a museum (Museum of Epirus Craft) housed in the old school of the village that is dedicated to the art. This process lasted over 400 years. In the square Coca – Karya, buildings located there began to be built in 1750 and are rich in inscriptions and reliefs performances.
Quaint old houses, stone fountains, cobbled streets and squares induce admiration for their beauty and architecture.
You should not miss a visit to the oldest church of St. Nicholas (1772) with diffuse continental architecture and the Cathedral church of Agios Georgios (1904), which was the model on which the Cathedral of Athens was built.

Starting from the village you can visit all the other neighboring Mastorochoria as well as the impressive mountain range of Grammos.